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![]() AMECAN. Writing my point of view & keeping every thoughts as memories. Rewind
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Friday, September 23, 2011, 8:35 PM
felt so different afterall.arghh so miss you ): sian sian dont know why everything oso can link to you de. afterall i still want you in my life.): so feel like calling you _DEAR♥_...Aww so fan, dont know want go have lunch with korkor this sunday anot.So scare he will angry, but ya so long didnt saw korkor le.? Agrhh so indecision..First time so afraid that he will angry,dont know izzi bcox i too 在意him le but since when this feeling took place sia! aint im the saeing on the issue of cannot put in too much for him if not in d end get hurt de is me? ): Labels: lee♥ ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Monday, September 19, 2011, 3:21 AM
Dear you,i wish you knew my feeling♥ 如果心里存在着不甘心,就代表还没有到放弃的时候。对,我还是不甘心真不知道这个不甘心的感觉会持续多久可是我知道你是唯一给我这种感觉的人。Hmm, late for school again! this time round it's different he's late for school too.Just dont know why am i avoiding him,some people happy lo first time late jiu can see him yet whenever i saw him i would just simply felt sad. Seriously i started believe in越是想看见的东西,他越是不想让你看见this sentence.today dont know happened how many times le.aww. Today's life suck,dont know why after eating still will gastric pain.Seriously不能忍的那种痛,it happens twice ): 痛死我!啦!): Labels: 爱情是一种遇见不能等待也没有准备 ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Sunday, September 18, 2011, 9:20 PM
人生没有过不去的事情只有过不去的心情。唯一能做的就是等,在等待的时间里或许换一个心情,或是转个弯,一样能走到我想要的目的地。这个结果不行就趁早放弃, 放弃并不是结束而是另一个新的开始。 I dont know why its just simply a send out button but i just dont dare to send it.if only he know im writing all this untold words just to want him know i simply just still care--> "就因为在乎所以生气,或许你觉得我不在爱你但我好想过了N再听你清清楚楚的告诉我一切." REally hope after all we could sae clearly and start all over again. Labels: tinking. ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Saturday, September 17, 2011, 11:11 PM
totally so shag this week for alot thingy ): Chin de problem makes me think of him, wanted to cry out alot of time le but i just cant.really feel like vending out everything so that i wont feel so painful. ): Sooooo,dont know how to sae meiling(to angry/sad), sending him all those without me knowing.i know he wants to study,really thanks for still telling me the reason why leaving.i tink this is the only reason that i can keep myself still into him bah. Hope that he wont let my down for making this decision? shall wait till after N den see want to give up ma bah, although that feeling was awful but if this is right i wont regret<3 >really wish you could tell me everything after N.GOODLUCK. Labels: 你不能告訴我你以不愛我 ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Wednesday, September 7, 2011, 11:59 PM
如果时间能够从来我们还会不会是这样?这到底是命运还是我们本来就属于对方?我想如果在让我选一次那还会是你。i really hope things wouldnt came out like this, so painful. you're being like how he treated me,我不想一而再再而三的这样被伤了。你呢了解这样的痛苦吗?我想你不会! Labels: . ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Tuesday, September 6, 2011, 11:01 PM
ahh CHINESE LISTENING COMPRE makes me so TSK by the music played.overall its fun wasted half an hour relieving down my nervous(: aww, ss not really very good leh, expected! but SBQ i tink i did well :D AHH just hope that i will do well in ENGLISH just like how i did for MOTHER TONGUE!arghh pray hard!O.oAnyway, wondered he prefer sitting behind or in front sia...haahas he seem to be more concentrated sitting in front.or maybe its SS bah..hmmm. Well, just woke up from my sleep not long cheh i dreamt of him again!! it's so damn real but i dont hope that it will happen.. started not to be able to gain that lost le, painful know~ :P Someone still seem to have his own tinking in mind, really wonder wad happened to him.Making me tink so much ): Labels: oh dear. ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Monday, September 5, 2011, 5:20 PM
it's another O5 todayyy.nth special just as per normal.已经慢慢淡掉了。 Heehes today Chinese was easy(: but keep tsktsk while doing leh.felt so different from the past 3 1/2 years examination!(: aww,dont know wad's wrong with me gastric getting worse now a days le ): whole day makes me keep feel like vomitting..awful >w< Hmm,hope wad i've prepared for ss will be awesome.currently still in the process of acheiving suceed..heehes :} Labels: O5 without you. ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Sunday, September 4, 2011, 5:55 PM
Tinking myself really being very selfish.really dont have the rights to love anyone.i cant even let go and forget about that particular person but still dare to fall into another one.?!hERH joke sia me! love is really a game that i cant afford to have it...
Phew, N'level chinese TMR!!!! ahhh so nervous~hope with the help of dict i would do it much beta dan prelims(: Labels: awful ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Saturday, September 3, 2011, 11:11 PM
wad are you trying to tell me.? you left a text and den not replying le..really wondering wad you trying to sae know... anyway exams is round the corner dont wanna stress you out hmm still tinking should i tell you everything after O'level ma ): 真的好希望没有任何事可以动摇我们现在的友情。hope everything is just simply fine....
Labels: x . ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Friday, September 2, 2011, 10:03 PM
hmm, suddenly feel like blogging again..haahas so damn weird.. Ahh everything changed 一个每天在我身边的LEE变成了朋友, 反而一个和我只是很要好的朋友变成更进一步了。never think b4 that we will become likethat one day..只怪我自己太笨HAAHAS! very angry myself!!! why cant i just let him go...so weird dunno why everytime saw him or happened to talk to him on phone my face will turn red den i'll feel very very hot... take today as an example haixx ): why everytime finally can forget le den you'll do something to make me love you back? memories really so powerful meh, can you tell me how you forget me? izzi by liking someone else i really佩服你sia break le can so easy go like others le.but thanks la this prove me something, shouldn't have trust you so much and oso love you more...SUAN LE IT'S OVER! AND _____ not replying my text ): feeling very down now ): haixx i tinking im getting more and more into you le ): 我不知道自己在做什么了,你能告诉我吗? Agrhh i dunno wad to write le 觉得自己好三心二意ohh, shall continue next time....
Labels: mixed feeling.. ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ |