If you're not the one.
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![]() AMECAN. Writing my point of view & keeping every thoughts as memories. Rewind
October 2009November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 December 2010 September 2011 October 2011 January 2012 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 December 2013 February 2015 March 2015 June 2015 July 2015 January 2016 March 2016 June 2016 September 2016 October 2016 November 2016 December 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017 July 2017 October 2017 April 2018 July 2018 September 2018 May 2020
Thursday, November 26, 2009, 7:57 PM
FIRSTLY wanted to sae hAppY BiRthDay BRAN!!!haaha.hope he grow more&more taller each and every year bah.Um.finally想開了.its considered as past le.no matter wad the distance is: i shall not passby it again.i will jus remember that wad you once told me. Lalaala, todae went lot1 with alvina mummy and brother.So good mummy treat alvina for sushi...WAD THE.....after that went to watch NEW MOON with alvina.OMG.the whole cinema was like only hab teenage lo,was like damn noisy de.haaha.the show was funny and cool.wahaaha.enjoyed it alot alot anyway...went yewtee for awhile pei alvina find her mummy de boss arh but didn manage to find until& den ofcox alvina pei me oso go walk here walk dere the whole yewtee point.damn sian de.haaha Lalaala.took train bak home...em && someting happened..why?why? is this fate..LO Laala.That guy? Labels: WAD THE dun ask me if i like him mar. all i could sae was idk.haaha. ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 6:44 PM
Lalaala.feel much beta le.tks korkor.&tks for teaching me all those cheering up methods.haaha.feel relieved after that.![]() Default Myspace Layouts Tks..haaha.i really really wont do that le.SORRY.Dun angry/sad oh.i dunwan to see that too(: Labels: ily.2229.Tks for your cheer too. ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 12:31 AM
All i could sae was NTH.all my feeling towards you has numb,you made me shag for the entire day&i still couldn't forget wad you hab told me..."wad should i do?you made me cry for you alot alot of times jus for one day?"Todae went to stag for slacking for some hours,hm unexpected things happen there dunno is sway or wad lo... den met mummy at causeway to catch the movie of 2012.The movie was wonderful but went home abit late la cox now den i reached home..lalaala.tink..tink.stop till here bah,the whole tinking mind was surrounded bt those words& i dont know wad to do...... haixx,baby...baby faster bring me out of here.i dunwan bcox of him affect my feeling towards you...): Labels: imy ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Saturday, November 21, 2009, 9:18 PM
I guessed ALL this are simply from the bottom of your true heart bah.OR maybe this are wad you jus wanted me to know.If the distance between us were just that (long),FINE i respect wadever decision you hab.There's no more use of saeing sorry IF you sae out all this kind of WORDS,i treasure you well&wanting you to treat her pretty well too.Really jus dunwan your life to hab that second regrets but i guess you will never know.i understand& felt all the pains you hab,but wad we hab were jus the hurt we created to each other......You were once IMPORTANT to me but i tink,(that) tinking of yours was jusjus OPPOSITE from mine. I never once regret about the RELATION we hab together as you told me every thing of that mistaken.Not wanting anyting back from you but just wanting to be with you throughout all those difficulties you are habing now.As FOR NOW,the one&only word i could sae was disappointment. Just only this one word changed every single ting,worth it?? nehmind bah.I'm alright.Dun worry.stay on & continue wad we were habing now. Treasure the thing you hab now and that's enough. Tks you for letting me to know that i'm once been important to you. SOrry VIAN&LING,i not in a good mood to post those pictures that we took during camp days will replace/edit next time de. Labels: deeply heartbroke by you.and you will never know how much does this one word hurts me. ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Thursday, November 19, 2009, 2:00 AM
bak for post le..Haaha,can sae was totally habing fun for the camp with librarians and those active seniors.First day jiu nightwalk liao was habing alot alot of fun with the netball girls and the librarians,but super scary when walking passed 2-6class with VIVIAN,MEILING&ANDY lo.Eee,got touched by something tink i dun dare walked pass 2-6 and the malay class corner liao lo. Hm,but i tink it's fun for others la...haaha SECOND DAY,play alot of activities throughout the day den night time watch horror movie at 1-6(homeroom)Evan bery good la keep disturb ME & MEILING.Time was about 12+ bah if i'm not wrong Mrs Sim ask us go sleep le bah we go against what she expect haaha,after that went slacking with DAMON JEEFEI MEILING VIVIAN & EVAN.Playing cards walking in& out the classroom haaha. DAMON devil de tink of the punishment is like abuse likethat,hm tink most suay de is VIAN & EVAN keeping losing on the cards games dunno drink how much water liaos.(VIAN poor thing) haaha,tink out of all camp this camp most fun de cox hab seniors de entertain & the thought of activities they tink out. ERM still hab wat arh?Hm ya,in the middle of the night we went to basketball court to look for stars in the sky.COOL lying in the middle of the basketball ENJOYING the sky. Found out that the STARS moved to slidely another place after some time de. LAST DAY,woke up slidely late abit reporting time was 8am.breadfast,games den took pictures jiu dismissed liao.Sian during games period got sabo by KOkhow sae i didn do forfit den wan me dance again so so so P.S. lo....i will remember him de.Lalaala after that went stag awhile passed booklist den jiu go chua chu kang park play water bombs with DAMON,KOKHOW,JEEFEI,EVAN,VIAN,MEILING&JONATHAN.damn it whole entire shirt wetwet de worst dan the situation of jus finish showering lo.laala.Tks to DEM i hab alot alot of fun.haaha Lalaala,Best seniors EVER. Labels: Rubbish.tok until i dunno what i'm toking liaos. ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Sunday, November 15, 2009, 11:14 PM
Lalaala.dun tink that i hab anyting to post bah.Haaha,tmr going library camp le wondering will it be fun mar? Laala, I could never regret loving you because even if you didn't love me anymore, I know that you once did and that is the most wonderful feeling because I never thought that I deserved your love. Labels: gonna miss him alot. ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Friday, November 13, 2009, 10:18 PM
Sickness was wad i could sae.Hate IT.totally cant sleep from ytd night till 6+ in the morning.HAixx mummy still wake me up early in the morning todae.Cant really hab a good rest.hm): Currently at grandma house now,sufing net on youtube& found tis songs.haaha. ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Thursday, November 12, 2009, 3:25 PM
hm.why after your sickness it's my turn??![]() Default Myspace Layouts ![]() Default Myspace Layouts Nth for posting todae.due to the sickness i'm habing now.DAMN IT.library camp coming le."how can i be sick."haixx jus a few words for (Y0U) Forget the times you walked by, Forget the times you made me cry, Forget the times you spoke my name, Remember now you're not the same. Forget the times you held my hand, Forget the sweet things if I can, Forget the times & Don't pretend, Remember now you're just my friend. Labels: sick of the day.. ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 6:52 PM
Rather MSN with(yoU)
Well.went out with alvina, my brother & mandy todae. Totally dun feel like going de at first cox not alot of ppl go.den alvina suggestion go bukit timah rather dan going to tampinese for playing pool..... UNEXPECtEd thing is......go dere saw yuwei & meowmeow(Malcolm)haaha.So long didn saw dem le(MEOW)stil the same keep bully me de.lalaala. Labels: nehmind. ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 10:29 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() todae went yishun with alvina.haaha pei her go take spec den eat dinner with her and didi. Tink i go out with her can make me fat de lo.after eating dinner walkwalk liao den influence me to buy ice-cream for dessert. todae time flies slowly but sky grow darker & darker in no time.haixx.life is jus likethat.after that went to take the train home saw this particular new door at the station to prevent unsafety tings to happen Wad to sae leh.nth sae le haaha... Labels: you always be the sun in the sky ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Monday, November 9, 2009, 12:10 AM
lazy sunday
nth to post for sunday hm..jus simply a thought of lazy sunday. hm jus came bak from grandma house at bedok hm.its pretty far sia. Wondering should i changed to bedok area de sch mar?haixx currently using com for chatting,thenthen suddenly saw the time of 1111.wahaaha.reminding me of the meaning he told me earlier on.so i'm missing him alot alot.wondering if he done finish what he suppose to do le mar.wondering if he saw the time of 1111 mar... Haaha,anyway jus simply love him as deep as b4..and i really want to know abt "wad i really mean to him."hope he's serious of the sorry. You were my everyting.kay..lovesyou [EDITED] todae went bak for library duty again.hm dunno that no need go bak for library duty le.den go bak gong gong de haha.nehmind. Then after ask miss mani if we can use com mar & she allowed.haaha she so good.Used the com from 3-4.55pm i tink? in the middle we took some pic that we tink is funny de lo.heehe.so scary.Den b4 going home went to give the appeal form to general office lucky Me&Ling was jus in time to give the form.waseh. Labels: the meaning of 1111..and i love you...babyboy ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Sunday, November 8, 2009, 12:50 AM
todae went sentosa with vivian,nash faeza and her boyfriend.... hmm.todae wake wake super early,hm all tks to brother de phone hor...met nash dey all at cck interchange after that wait for vivian the last person to arrive.haaha.nehmind. took 188 to harbourfront station den go hawker centre buy tings to eat.hm.nash funny lo.1 lady wear until beri open den she ask us"she go beach wear until likethat arh."hoho. Reach dere put our tings den eateat first, secondly go play volleyball & soccer until tired....hais is some kind of bored cox not alot of ppl go lo... Tink 3+ bah we decide to go vivo walkwalk.reach dere went to play water at the top stories.faeza bf la.aft some time splash the water till my whole shirt wetwet de.bo bian go changed clothes with vivian.so ke lian lo we two.wahaaaha.was bored at the beginning of the day but was totally fun at vivo de toysRus shop lo.nash bully vivian den run here ren dere.laugh here laugh dere.heehe ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ Thursday, November 5, 2009, 6:38 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() todae went back for library duty. Duty was packing the stack of monopoly.hm tired lo.look at all the notes of money and cards can make me faint liao. after that cannot take it so go outside with Lerh.hoho.took alot of pictures too. Haaha tink stop till here bah i post pictures beta. baby takecare oh.i will takecare myself oso de.dun worry.Haaha lovesyou. Labels: baby ily. ♥s[HE] be(LIE)ve♥ |